October is coming to an end, which means that Halloween is just around the corner. Or should we say, "Howl-O-Ween!" In spirit of the holiday, Bark ATL is providing you with our favorite 5 fun Do-It-Yourself costume ideas for your furry friend. Keep reading and get inspired!

  1. Watch Dog 
    DIY Dog Halloween Costumes | Bark ATL

    Does your neighborhood need a watch dog for the spooky night? For this costume, simply draw a watch on a poster board, cut it out, and then strap it onto your dog. Ta-da! Now he's a watch dog.

  2. Harry Potter

    DIY Dog Costumes | Bark ATL
    Who doesn't love Harry Potter? Dress your dog up as Harry Potter by simply hanging a striped scarf around his neck. You can cut out some back fabric and drape it over him for the coat. As for the glasses, you can use a plastic black frame, pop out the lenses, and place it on his face. One point for Gryffindor!

  3. A Ghost!
    DIY Dog Costume Ideas | Bark ATL

    Boo! This one is a classic. Simple and easy, but very effective. Grab some old white sheets or table cloth, cut out circles for your furry friend's eyes, mouth and nose.

  4. Beanie Baby
    DIY Dog Costume | Bark ATL

    This costume might hit you with a pang of nostalgia. Beanie babies used to be everyone's favorite collectibles! Get a poster board, cut out a heart, and color it in. Next, cut out a small hole at the top of the heart. Then, get a string and put it through the hole to tie it onto your furry friend's collar. Now your dog is a real life beanie baby!

  5.  Kissing Booth

    DIY Costume Ideas | Bark ATL

Last but not least, create a kissing booth for your furry friend. This can be a quick and easy process. All you need is a cardboard box that will fit your dog, some markers, and scissors. This costume will surely grab everyone's attention!

Happy Howl-o-Ween!  Please have a safe and fun holiday !

Bark ATL
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