It's hard choosing who Bark ATL's student of the week is going to be. I've been asked how I choose and honestly I have no idea. A name or face just pops into my head and I go with it. We have so many awesome students so stay tuned!! This week our star student is Raisin.
Raisin is a lab mix who is full of energy. Doggy daycare was designed for pets just like her! Raisin loves to run, jump and play. Here she is playing with Fergus.
Raisin is one of those pups who is either all over the place or crashed out. The only time I can get a picture of her is when she is tired from playing!
Raisin loves to play and be played with. She can be seen chasing other pups around the room or letting them chase her. She will then fall to the floor and roll over. Too funny!
Raisin's "boyfriend" is Ripley. She loves to give him kisses!!
Raisin said she loves all animals, even her mom's cat Ringer!
Raisin said she wasn't very excited about the Easter picture but said she's rockin the outfit. She hopes her mom has us do a picture at Halloween. She said she wants to be a pretty princess, not a bunny or a flower!
Raisin also told me that she is excited for the warmer weather. She said she can't wait to go back to the beach and get a tan.
Congratulations on being Bark ATL's student of the week Raisin! We all love you. 🙂
Bark ATL
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