Socialites spotted partying up around Bark-Town!

You may remember Liz Lemon from a previous article claiming she had some “procedure” on her pretty face, well she’s back! And this time she’s painting the town red with her gal-pal Juniper. The two have been spotted in different corners of Bark-Town; sources close to the girls tell us they met in the yard one morning and have been BFFs ever since. Still we must offer a cautionary note to Miss Lemon because Juniper has a long trail of BFFs behind her, including the handsome stud Giorgio and fellow Basset, Bessie Mae. But for now, the girls will party on!!



Evey “Twitterverse Queen” Pi finds new love!

Evey Pi is no stranger to attention and action, we cannot get enough of her and neither can Dodger. After weeks of playing in a group setting, the two took a few moments to get to know each other a little better.


The two are seen here sharing kisses and secrets:



Liz Lemon (rumored to be Dodger’s former flame) tried hard to get his attention, but Evey put her paws down on this one, and Dodger remains a one-doggie man…for now. We wish the happy couple much success in their relationship. Ahh, puppy love! 


Dr. Chappy reveals plans to heal dogs all over town!

Everyone who knows about the happenings on Little Pup Lane, knows that Chappy is a very loved and respected dog. But what you may not know is that he has recently been promoting “Positive Attitude Wellness Service” or PAWS for short, a new-age medicine that he says is guaranteed to improve dogs’ fun-potential and overall wellness. He uses his charming disposition and playful character to engage fellow Little Pups in feel-good games and calm conversations. He has been spotted having some great one-on-one playtime with multiples dogs, and the results are astounding!


Here he is playing with Bella, a long-time friend, and a new convert to the PAWS movement.



And here he is supervising as Bella engages her first PAWS session with T-Bone. No puppy Blues in sight, it worked like magic!



Here he is listening to Lin as she confides in him. Listening is a BIG part of having a positive attitude. Just look at how patient and attentive he is!



Chappy also likes to support new friends like Bennie, here he is checking in on Bennie during a day of play.


Sources close to the friendly guy say he has studied the healing powers of a good attitude and genuine friendship. His brand of puppy medicine has already healed thousands of dogs around the Metro-Barktown area and he hopes to reach even more! On behalf on Bark Staff, we’d like to say thank you doc!


That’s all for the fall edition of our Bark Enquirer, remember to bundle up and stay warm. And if you have a tip for the Enquirer, or to have your dog featured on a Bark Blog, email us at:


Arf! Arf! Smooch

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