May 7 - 13, 2017 is National Be Kind to Animals Week.  At its annual meeting after  World War I, American Humane's leaders recognized the need for a strong national voice on the importance of treating animals with kindness and compassion - and to the lead in that effort by organizing the first “Be Kind to Animals Week” in May 1915.


For the past hundred years, the tradition has continued.  Over the years, many celebrities have publicly supported the celebratory week in the first full week of May each year to bring attention to the need to show humanity to animals.  Shirley Temple, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Doris Day, Betty White, and even Porky Pig, have played prominent roles in supporting the annual celebration in May and helping people understand the crucial importance of caring for our animal friends.


“Kindness in the Classroom” is a free interactive humane education presentation offered to schools nationwide by the National Humane Education Society.  Their standard program lasts between 30-45 minutes and is designed for students in Kindergarten through 5th grades. “Kindness in the Classroom” addresses:

  • Meeting the basic needs of companion animals
  • Ways to interact with pets safely and responsibly
  • The importance of showing kindness and respect to animals

NHES offers free presentations for schools, churches and other organizations looking to spread the word about being kind to animals.


American Humane invites all Americans to make a Kindness Pledge in one of more of the following areas of focus:


  • Adopting Animals from a Shelter
  • Buying Humanely Raised Products
  • Protecting Earth's Animals
  • Protecting Animals Actors

You can also be a voice for the animals and show support with a donation to American Humane or encourage your public officials to make a Proclamation this week.



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