The dogs are just finishing up their Christmas Eve breakfast! We're really having such a blast with all of the dogs this week. The best thing about holiday boarders is that we get to see a lot of faces we don't normally see for daycare, as well as a lot of brand new faces. I was so happy to see dogs like Lila & Frodo, Dakota, the Wirkas, Coconut, Genevieve, Coco J, and William, who we don't get to see too often. William is so adorable. He waddles around our lounge with this little pink sock that he LOVES. Lila & Frodo are total sweethearts, too. I've been having fun opening presents with Coconut every once in awhile. We have so many awesome new dogs, too! Dakota, the rottweiler puppy, is sooooo sweet and just loves attention. We have a lot of fun with Jessie (KC Spaniel) too. I hope all of you are enjoying time with your friends and families. We're definitely enjoying our time with your canine family members!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!


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