Well this is sad. Today is our last edition of meet the staff, unless we add to our family! But don't fret, we have another section of the blog we are working on called Adoption Stories. We will feature one of our Bark ATL students and their family along with a short story telling how their four legged fur kid joined the family. If you would like to have your family featured please send a picture and a short story to info@barkatl.com!
Okay, now on to our last Meet the Staff post. Ramon has been with Bark ATL for almost a year and we are very happy to have him! Ramon helps care for both the little and big dogs and is one of our overnight staff members.
Ramon has one dog, a Chow named T-Bone who loves his daddy. This is Ramon’s first job dealing with dogs and he loves it! All of the pups seem to love him, too. When he is not at Bark ATL Ramon likes to fish, play soccer and listen to music.
Bark ATL
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