Pet Dental Health Month | Bark ATL

February is Pet Dental Health Month! This month long holiday was created in order to address the significance of your furry friend's oral health care. Did you know that dental hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas in pet health? For this reason, Bark ATL advises all pet owners and lovers to make sure their pets' dental health is in tip top shape.


Why Dental Hygiene Is Important


Your dog's dental hygiene is just as important as ours!


  • Healthy teeth leads to a pet with better breath. Who likes bad breath?
  • This may come off as a surprise, but failing to address your pet's dental health can lead to a serious secondary disease with your dog's organs, such as kidney or heart disease
  • Dogs that do not get proper dental care can build up plaque, tartar, and food particles. Overtime, this can lead to periodontal disease, which erodes at the gums and can result to bad breath, irritated and/or bleeding gums, and terrible pain for your furry friend
  • Lack of dental hygiene can also lead your dog to lose their teeth

Tips To Take Care of Your Dog's Teeth

  • Brush your dog's teeth daily! Many dog owners are not able to brush their pet's teeth everyday due to lack of cooperation on their pet's part. If this is the case, you should aim for 3 or 4 times a week
  • Consider using Fresh Breath Floss Ropeballs to help freshen your dog's breath in-between brushings. This is a playful and fun way for your do to fight tartar build-up and to compensate for a teeth cleaning session
  • Make the effort to regularly give your furry friend some dental treats
  • Add dental hygiene solution to your pet's drinking water to help fight bacteria in her mouth
  • Use wipes or pads to quickly  wipe her teeth and gum line to whisk away some bacteria and food particles

Good dental health is essential for a healthy and happy dog. It definitely requires patience and dedication, but with consistency it can easily become part of you and your furry friend's lifestyle. Happy Pet Dental Health Month! We hope this post inspires you to keep your dog's teeth squeaky clean.


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