The weather's starting to heat up a little bit around Bark ATL and we are so thrilled! That's right, thrilled! We really love warm weather here because we get to spend a lot more time outside and we get to set up the pool. It really is SUCH a blast watching the dogs play in the pool. It takes every ounce of the practical human in me just to keep me from jumping in there with them! However, I must say, sometimes after we get back inside from an hour by the pool, all the staff look like we've been swimming with them. The best time of day is in the afternoon when we come back inside from a long sun bathing/pool/potty break. All the dogs come inside and find their own special spot to nap, or they'll see how many can pile on my lap and at my feet. It's so awesome to just have that special time with your dog babies just cuddling. Like today, when I had Maggie and Millie BOTH piled in my lap napping and being little angels, I just couldn't help but think- who could ask for a better job? At Bark ATL we really love every dog as our own and it brings us so much joy spending time with them. So this summer, nurture your dog's fervor for fun and send them on a mini-vacation! Bring them to hang out with us at Bark ATL!

Bark ATL
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